We're going back to sea!
The first PORO-CLIM expedition ran back in May 2021 and with another team of international scientists (some new faces, some old), we're...
Linking deep Earth and Climate
We're going back to sea!
That’s a wrap for data acquisition!
Chasing storms (Or being chased!)
Documenting Life at Sea 2: the Power of Words
Mission Control: An insight into the Dry Lab
Documenting Life at Sea
Catch me if you can: OBS retrieval
I'm a Scientist on a boat, ask me anything: Q&A 1
Good Vibrations: a closer look at the Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS)
CTD logging
Having a whale of a time
Meet the Crew: Early Career Scientists
Setting Sail
Mobilisation is under way
Equipment Shipped! One week to go...
The countdown is on! 2 weeks to go!
T-Minus 3 Weeks
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